🌸 If you have tried to change your thinking, but have not felt a big shift in the quality of your experience, you may find benefit in Bottom-Up therapeutic approaches. There are Top-Down and Bottom-Up approaches to healing in therapy. They’re each beneficial, just in different ways.#PolyvagalTheory #SomaticExperiencingTherapy #WishpathHealing #BottomUp
29 views Sep 17, 2022 #PolyvagalTheory #Pandemic #Orienting
💙 The lingering impacts of pandemic life are still being felt in many people’s systems. Here is one simple, gentle practice you might try to support reshaping your nervous system to support health and well-being. #Orienting #PolyvagalTheory #CuesOfSafety #OrientToBeauty #WishpathHealing #Pandemic
🌸 If you have ever wondered why it is hard to shift your thinking patterns, it may because your nervous system is stuck in states of defence.
When this happens, optimism can feel hard to find, because our bodies are in states primed to notice where problems may be, so that we have the best chances of staying safe.
Sometimes this reflects what is actually happening, and other times the ways we respond in the present, are because of unresolved experiences in our pasts.
Polyvagal-Informed Therapy helps to heal these patterns, so we have greater capacity to respond to new stressors effectively without getting stuck in states of defence.
This helps us to spend more time being influenced by the Ventral Vagal part of the nervous system. Optimism, solution-oriented thinking, creativity and feelings of connectedness all emerge from this platform.
#DrStephenPorges #DebDana #PolyvagalInformedTherapy #PolyvagalTheory #WishpathHealing
☀️ Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms include fatigue, food cravings, sadness, hopelessness, irritability, withdrawal and stress.
Starting a self-care strategy early in the winter season can be helpful.
Always remember, consulting with your health care provider or therapist can provide additional support.
#SAD #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #WishpathHealing #PolyvagalTheory